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“Meramec Cavern” at Sullivan, Missouri. Whenever I witness any natural phenomenon. I feel so humbled thinking God called upon me to show his majesty and power. These wonderful live caves remind me of my mentor’s words “Everything bigger and better needs time and consistent effort to build” It takes over one hundred years for a cave formation to grow 1 cubic inch. Financial professional in me is screaming big retirement starts with tiny regular savings. 😊 Call me for your retirement savings questions. 254-723-1962.


When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’ -Erma Bombeck I take pride in making people think about their retirement. Mostly I talk about the financial aspect of retirement. But there is more to it. Your all plans worked out well and you are retired, you are financially free. Now What? Richard Stim in his book Retire Happy argue that four critical factors are necessary to be happily satisfied with retirement: Money, Health, A network of family and Friends, and Engaging and enjoyable activities. I started building My list of activities for retirement. Travel Adventures: Hobbies and creative pursuits: Fitness and wellness: Volunteer Work: Entrepreneurial Venture: Cultural and Artistic Pursuits: Meditation and aloneness: Retirement planning is not just about financial stability; it’s a holistic approach to shaping the lifestyle you desire. Retirement is an opportunity to tailor your days to your preferences, fostering a fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle.

He could have been financially secured yesterday but alas not today….. Life happens to everyone of us everyday. No one is immune to it. We don’t feel the shock until it hit us. I talked to this 44 year old gentleman six months ago. We designed a retirement plan for him, his wife and a 12 yr son. We also discussed about completing a will and trust and funding it correctly. He got busy with his business and like we all do “procrastination”…. I made a follow up call few days ago, he picked up immediately and shared the bad news that a week ago he was diagnosed with a brain tumor which came un announced. Surviving this will be very difficult and he doesn’t have a plan for his family. The could have and should have thoughts & regret is a worst feeling. Consider your financial planning as an emergency and priority. Do not delay. Call me or text me @ 254-723-1962


Eat a live frog first thing in the morning ????? Seriously! What are you saying? Who does this? Few days ago while watching some important training video, the above line popped up. I wanted to exit that page as quickly as possible but curiosity won and I paused (guilty) my current training video and started watching the “Eat frog” video.. Eat That Frog ! is a book by Brian tracy. He mentions Mark Twain once said that “If you eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day” My interest was still intact. I kept watching..They were talking about the popular productivity technique.. “Eat the Frog” means tackling your most challenging, difficult, boring but important most impactful task, first thing in the morning to increase productivity and reduce procrastination. Hmm Now I understand the title. I always create my todo list for a month, week and day and while browsing through my notebook I found my frogs were unchecked for so many days and until one day there was no choice, no option. It's a deadline and I have to finish it. Frogs.. I realized, I have frogs in my mind, in my notebook and in my dreams. One by one I need to start eating those until they become my favorite food. Planning and doing some thing about our retirement, our long term care, disability, wills and trust are surely “FROGS” I will help you eliminate those as easily as possible. Call me Shamshah Amir Surani 254-723-1962

Goal Setting and Planning My Mentor once told If you want to be PRIME remember the word PRIME. P Proper Planning. R Reviewing constantly. I Implementing. M Monitor While implementing. E Evaluation. This is such a fascinating and deep subject. For the past so many years I have tried to apply this formula maybe not completely but in parts when I start something, maybe a business or a project or a new career or sometimes my important days. My day starts with writing all my goals (Long term- Short term). Goal setting and planning is a science and art. This is the skill I developed during my lifetime and it is so fascinating to see all the goals come true one by one and it gives me immense pleasure to check them off when they are done or fulfilled. Keep Planning…. let me a part of your journey to "Financial Safety Net" Call me or text me at 254-723-1962.


I wonder why… We do not mind taking Auto insurance for a vehicle which we drive valued in between 5000-100000. But we are so hesitant to buy our own life insurance. Our life doesn't have any value? Is it cheaper than a vehicle we drive? Growing up in India I used to hear and see the very good Ad which I still remember.. ‘Jo Pyar karte hai Vima karate hai” meaning “whoever loves buy life insurance”. If I love my Husband I own a life insurance policy appointing him as a beneficiary. If I care for my kids I make sure after I Pass away my kids are taken care of at least financially, through a life insurance policy of my own. We need to take financial planning and retirement planning as an emergency in order to secure our family’s future. I can assist you. I am an expert financial services provider for free consultation call me or text me at 254-723-1962


Today is our Independence day. Let's start celebrating one more day a day when we become financially free, financially independent. Let me help you achieve financial freedom and tax free retirement. Call me or text me 254-723-1962

Let's talk today about what I learned from my clients… 1)people have 4 kind of Financial Problems * Not enough retirement income. * No planning for disability and long term care. * No planning for tax in retirement. * No planning for Legacy transfer. 2)5 time Rule… In order for us to apply anything you need to hear it at least 5 times. * 1st Time you listen. * 2nd time you understand. * 3rd time you feel it. * 4th time you memorize. * 5th time you apply.Do you want your 3)5 F’s play an important role in everyone’s life.. * Faith * Family * Fun * Finance * Freedom. 4)Consider asking this question. Do you want your money to take care of you or your kids to take care of you? let me a part of your journey to "Financial Safety Net" Call me or text me at 254-723-1962.


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Shamshah Surani

Shamshah Surani

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Shamshah Surani
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